Data for: Shirayuki-dake mushroom (BDM-X) powder and extract metabolomic analysis by CE-TOFMS and LC-TOFMS.
Published: 29 December 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/sdx9g4dwmp.1
Koji WakameDescription
This dataset consists of metabolomic analysis results of compounds name and relative area law data from the Shirayuki-dake mushroom (BDM-X) powder (pw) and extract (ex). This BDM-X has been used as material of functional food and cosmetics in Japan. We studied the comprehensive analysis of components contained in BDM-X by metabolomic analysis. The metabolomic analysis such as qualitative comprehensive analysis was performed on substances that had the same peak intensity as the components added in advance as internal standard substances (1,200 substances in the annotation list) via CE-TOFMS and LC-TOFMS.
Natural Product Chemistry