Distribution of profile thematic guidelines in the materials of online business media

Published: 6 February 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/sf8chfncp2.1
Victoria Bereshchak


The empirical basis of the study was 4643 materials from four online business media for the period January 2020-January 2022, namely The Page, Delo.ua, Property Times, Commercial Property. These journalistic projects represent four types of online business media by the nature of subject-thematic orientation: 1) broad economic profile (The Page), 2) specialized (Delo.ua), 3) highly specialized (Property Times) and 4) professional (Commercial Property) (Nikytenko, 2022, p. 132-133) The algorithm for forming a sample for analyzing the features of a socio-economic topic is as follows: 1) search of all available journalistic media reports in the news feed of the selected media, as well as selection according to certain criteria of those that meet the definition of "socio-economic topic" (SET); 2) qualitative content analysis of selected media messages that contain SET. The criteria by which we formed the empirical base of the study from the general sample of materials were: a) a combination of economic (macro- and microeconomic indicators, narrow-industry business information, corporate information, financial data, etc.) and social context (living conditions, income level of the population, social equality, financial freedom, housing affordability, safety of the social environment) within one material; b) at least 40% of the material is devoted to the social context of the topic. As a result of the monitoring of the mentioned media, the following results were recorded. The total collection of texts during the research period is 4 643 materials, of which 3 268 texts meet the SET criteria. Of them, 2834 are dominated by thematic profile orientations, which were distributed in this order.



Kyyivs'kij nacional'nij universytet imeni Tarasa Shevchenka


Business, Online Journalism
