Comprehensive earthquake-induced landslide inventory dataset of the 2010 Chile megathrust earthquake

Published: 30 August 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/sfv89789x4.1


The dataset was collected from bibliographic compilation, mapping by interpretation of Landsat satellite images, and field inspections; for the bibliographic compilation reviewed 107 technical reports of the National Geological and Mining Survey of Chile (SERNAGEOMIN) related to the Maule earthquake, from which the relevant information of landslides and lateral spreads was extracted. Also, the georeferenced reports of road network interruption problems caused by the Maule earthquake, undertaken by the Ministry of Public Works, were reviewed. Finally, it incorporated an inventory of lateral spreads provided by Verdugo (2012) and the inventory of landslides in the coastal fringe of the Biobio administrative region provided by Mardones and Rojas (2012). Additionally, coseismic landslides were mapped by using Google Earth to interpret Landsat satellite images (Landsat 5-7-8; provider, NASA; resolution, 30 m) before and after the earthquake. These strips were visually inspected at an eye height of ~ 1–2 km, decreasing the height when an alteration was detected in the vegetation or when bare spots or typical mass movement morphologies were present (Soeters and Van Western, 1996). ]. It was visually inspected, and the earliest available images after the earthquake were mapped at 1:2000 and 1:10,000. Once a landslide was identified, the location was compared with the latest preseismic image without cloud or snow cover and the landslide was mapped as a polygon. Field inspections were undertaken in the coastal regions, where the higher densities of landslides are located. The minimum size considered for the mapping was 30 m2, although field inspections showed that an indefinite number of small mass movements were not recognised on the satellite images.



Universidad de Chile, Universidad de O'Higgins


Geology, Engineering Geology Method, Environmental Geology, Engineering Geology
