Transdiagnostic CBT for anxiety and depression dismantling meta analysis

Published: 25 October 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/sg6d2vsjgz.1
vanessa jordan


Transdiagnostic CBT protocols were examined in a meta-analysis, data coded based on treatment mode, duration, and components of TD-CBT protocols involving adults who received a published TD-CBT intervention (or details were included in the article of protocol components) in an RCT where a control group received either disorder specific CBT (DS-CBT), treatment as usual (TAU), or were in a waitlist control condition. Moderate effect sizes favouring TD-CBT for anxiety and depression were found. No significant effect for treatment mode was identified. Statistically significant differences were found by treatment duration for anxiety outcomes; short treatment (less than eight weeks) showed large effect sizes, whereas longer treatment (10 weeks or longer) showed small effect sizes. Statistically significant differences for both anxiety and depression were found favouring TD-CBT interventions with fewer components. Results suggest efficacy in individual, group, or internet delivered modes. The results suggest that treatment effect may not be enhanced by longer intervention. Focusing on fewer treatment components may confer advantages through greater mastery by clinician and client.



Australian College of Applied Psychology


Psychology, Clinical Psychology
