RCEP on the Industrial and Innovation Chains of China's Textile and Clothing Industry

Published: 18 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/sgvmg6c9zz.1
Pivithuru Kumarasinghe,


The dataset comprises trade volume and proportion data of China's textile and clothing exports to the 14 member countries of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) for the year 2022. It includes information on export values in billions of dollars, year-on-year export growth percentages, and the proportion of exports within the RCEP region. Additionally, the dataset contains export growth rates of various textile machinery products from China to RCEP countries compared to global exports, as well as details on tariff reduction and export growth of textiles exported by China to Japan. The data provides insights into the dynamics of textile trade within the RCEP region and its implications for the textile industry supply chain.



Manufacturing, Value Chain, Asian Economy
