Treatment alternatives for endodontic failure in patients at the endodontics area of the dental clinic Dr. René Puig Bentz at the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña during the period 2017-2020
To establish the definitive success of an endodontic pulp therapy, it is essential to hermetically seal the cement-dentinal complex of the tooth to be treated, regulate the supporting tissues, and ultimately restore function. The aim of this study was to evaluate different treatment alternatives in the face of endodontic failure at the dental clinic of the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, during the period 2017 to 2020. After studying a population of 332 cases, a sample was selected where 31 cases corresponded to unsatisfactory treatments requiring retreatment. A questionnaire was developed and filled out with the support of provided control sheets, considering dental group, clinical examination, radiographic examination, predisposing cause for endodontic failure, and diagnostic conclusion to classify cases and evaluate the treatment to choose for each one. The study resulted in a higher failure rate of endodontic treatments in female patients within the predominant age range of 31-50 years. The dental group with the highest endodontic failure was the anterior in both maxillary arches. The predominant cause determining the highest number of endodontic failures was coronal leakage, and the suggested treatment was predominantly non-surgical retreatment, offering a new opportunity to the previously treated tooth. Therefore, in the face of endodontic failure, the first options are retreatment or dental extraction at the dental clinic Dr. René Puig Bentz of the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña.
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The study was conducted as a descriptive, observational, and retrospective cross-sectional study, utilizing data obtained from the archives of endodontic check-ups performed on a specific group of individuals within a defined time frame. The aim was to determine the failure rate of endodontic treatments in patients registered in the undergraduate endodontics area of the dental clinic (UNPHU) during the period 2017-2020. The population consisted of all patient records from the undergraduate endodontics area during the period 2017-2020, totaling 332 cases. The sample comprised records of those control patients over 18 years old, amounting to 31 cases. This selection included cases exhibiting symptoms, inadequate biomechanical preparation, coronal sealing, or root canal obturation in incisors, premolars, and molars. Non-probabilistic convenience sampling was employed, as specific cases with the required characteristics for the investigation were chosen from the clinical records of patients with endodontic failures.