Data of understorey herb diversity, soil nutrients and enzyme activities in a northern subtropical plantation with different moso bamboo invasion stages
The data collection site was located in the 70-year-old Quercus serrata plantation in Xiashu Forest, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province. Sample plots were established using the spatio-temporal replacement method by selecting three sample strips parallel to the invasion direction according to the different degrees of moso bamboo invasion in the Quercus serrata plantation forests, and three 10 × 10 m sample plots were arranged in each sample strip, for a total of nine sample plots. Four herb community surveys and soil sampling were conducted in April 2021 (spring), July 2021 (summer), October 2021 (autumn) and January 2022 (winter). Herb community diversity was calculated using R studio, and soil metrics (pH, nutrients and enzyme activities) were investigated using standard experimental methods. Random Forest Model Code and Sample Data