Questions from iFixit Answers Forum

Published: 16 March 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/shfkj785yb.1
Lisa Oshita


This data contains 7,760 questions from iFixit's online question and answer forum, Answers, as well as user and textual features for each question. Data was used in a survival analysis of the time until a question posted on Answers forum received its first answer. A Cox proportional hazards model was developed to predict the survival probability of posted questions, as well as to identify variables associated with question response time. Variables found to be significantly associated with response time included: the device category the question pertains to, if the question was posted on a weekday or weekend, whether or not the question's title contained at least one term considered frequently-used among unanswered questions, and whether or not the question's title ended in a question mark. The additional file, data_key.csv, contains a description of each variable, as well as a column indicating if the variable was part of the original data or derived.



California Polytechnic State University


Statistics, Applied Probability, Survival Analysis, Statistical Prediction
