Raw data for Sati et al., 2020
These datasets are contain Beta gal assay images, DAPI stained nuclei and 3D FISH images from oncogene and replicative senescent cells. The Betagal assay was performed to demonstrate the senescent condition. The DAPI stained nuclei images are from different siRNA treated OIS samples. The FISH images display the presence of SHADs in SAHFs. The Summary of work: While transcriptional and epigenetic changes associated with senescence are well studied, the role of the extensive senescence-associated 3D genome reorganization remains elusive. Here, we have generated genome wide chromatin interaction maps, epigenetic, replication-timing, whole genome bisulfite sequencing and gene expression profiles from cells entering replicative senescence (RS) or upon oncogene induced senescence (OIS). We identify Senescence Associated Heterochromatin Domains (SAHDs). Differential intra vs inter SAHD interactions lead to the formation of senescence associated heterochromatin foci (SAHFs) in OIS but not in RS. This OIS-specific configuration brings active genes located in genomic regions adjacent to SAHDs in close spatial proximity and favours their expression. Finally, screening of factors for SAHF induction revealed DNMT1 as a novel component that induces SAHFs by promoting HMGA2 expression. Upon DNMT1 depletion, OIS cells transition to a 3D genome conformation akin to that of cells in replicative senescence. These data show how multi-omics and imaging can identify critical features of RS and OIS and discover new determinants of acute senescence and SAHF formation.