Fine resolution profile-scale data to study the impact of treatment and machine traffic on agricultural soil structure and soil hydrologic properties
Published: 16 June 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/sk2bghhpn8.2
Alice AlonsoDescription
This dataset is described in the Data In Brief Paper: Alice Alonso; Manuel Froidevaux; Mathieu Javaux; Eric Laloy; Samuel Mattern; Christian Roisin; Marnik Vanclooster; Charles Bielders. Fine resolution profile-scale data to depict the impact of treatment and machine traffic on agricultural soil structure and hydrologic properties. In Press. It has been used in the paper: Alonso Alice; Manuel Froidevaux; Mathieu Javaux; Eric Laloy; Samuel Mattern; Christian Roisin; Marnik Vanclooster; Charles Bielders. A hybrid method for characterizing agricultural soil physical quality at the profile scale with fine spatial details. In Press in Soil and Tillage Research.
Universite catholique de Louvain
Agricultural Science, Soil Physics, Soil Tillage, Soil Hydraulic Properties, Tillage Effect on Soil Hydraulic Properties, Bulk Density of Soil