Effects of Career Aspirations of New Generation Employees on Proactive Socialization Behavior
1. Data Contains the datasets used for the analysis, including two files: 1.1 data.sav: Contains detailed information, including scoring methods for each indicator (presented in Chinese in the value labels) and data types. File format: SPSS. 1.2 pls.csv: The raw data file used for SmartPLS analysis. File format: Comma-Separated Values, Excel-compatible. 2. Measurement Model Contains the analysis results of the measurement model, reflecting the reliability and validity of the scales used in the study: 2.1 信效度.xlsx: File format: Excel, generated by SmartPLS. 2.2 信效度.html: File format: HTML, viewable in a browser, generated by SmartPLS. 2.3 信效度.html-files: Folder containing necessary backend data for the 信效度.html file. This folder must be kept in the same directory as 信效度.html. 3. Structural Model Contains results for direct effects, mediation effects, and moderation effects, divided into two subfolders: 3.1 Direct Effects & Mediating Effect 3.1.1 假设检验.html: Contains hypothesis testing results. File format: HTML, viewable in a browser. 3.1.2 假设检验.html-files: Folder containing necessary backend data for the 假设检验.html file. This folder must be kept in the same directory as 假设检验.html. 3.2 Moderation Effect 3.2.1 Moderated_Mediation_Results_PROCESS_SPV.sav: Contains moderated mediation results calculated using the PROCESS plugin in SPSS (https://processmacro.org/index.html). 3.2.2 Moderated_Mediation_Results_PROCESS_PDF.pdf: Contains moderated mediation results calculated using the PROCESS. File format: PDF, viewable in Adobe Acrobat (https://www.adobe.com/acrobat.html) or a browser. 3.2.3 Simple_Slope_Plot.jamovi: Contains simple slope plots and raw data. This is an interactive file that requires the jamovi (https://www.jamovi.org/) to open. 3.2.4 Simple_Slope_Plot_Output.html: Contains simple slope plots. File format: HTML, viewable in a browser, exported by jamovi.