Evaluation Of Attitude and Behaviour Towards Individual Management In Patients With Diabetes

Published: 17 February 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/sk37rpcmpy.1
Sibel YOLCU,


Forms were applied by face-to-face interview method to collect the data. Interviews were conducted in an outpatient clinic setting. The patients participating in the study were explained about the purpose of the study and the forms were applied after obtaining the necessary consent. The average response time of the patients was 15 minutes. Patients who agreed to participate in the study were explained about the purpose of the study and informed consent forms were signed. Patient Information Form, Diabetes Intention, Attitude and Behaviour Scale (DIAB-Q) and Hensarling’s Diabetes Family Support Scale (HDFSS) were used to collect data on personal and disease characteristics. The data obtained in the study were analysed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for Windows 25.0 software. Descriptive statistical methods (number, percentage, mean, standard deviation) were used to evaluate the data. As a result of the statistical analysis of the purpose of the study, if the p value was below 0.05, it was accepted as significant. Reliability analysis is performed to test whether the statements in the scales are consistent among themselves and whether all of the statements measure the same subject (Ural and Kılıç, 2006). In order for the tests and results to be reliable, the measurements must be reliable. In this context, the reliability of the scale was analysed with Cronbach's Alpha. In addition, Confirmatory Factor Analysis was conducted for the reliability and construct validity of the adapted scale. In addition, AVE and CR values were calculated and mean explained variance and combined reliability values were also analysed. In the analysis of the data, independent sample t test for two groups and ANOVA test for more than two groups were used to compare quantitative data in cases where the assumption of normal distribution was met. In cases where there is no normal distribution, Mann Whitney U for two groups and Kruskal Wallis H test for more than two groups were used.



Diabetes Mellitus, Patient Characteristics, Attitude, Social Support of Family, Intention
