Tree-ring dataset for flood history study in the White River, Arkansas U.S.A.

Published: 22 August 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/sn22cv59rj.1


Data include earlywood vessel width and "flood ring" chronologies derived from bottomland oaks (Quercus lyrata) growing in the White River National Wildlife Refuge reported in "A record of flooding on the White River, Arkansas derived from tree-ring anatomical variability and vessel width" published in "Physical Geography". The overall site is named "Scrubgrass Bayou" (site code "SGB"). Data from cores collected by D. Stahle in 1980 (site code SNA; DOI are included in the flood ring and EW vessel width measurements. SGBSNA_EW_VW.crn is the earlywood vessel width chronology SGBSNA_EW_VW_raw.text are the raw vessel width measurements SGB_flood rings.csv are the summary percent trees injured data SGB_individual_FRs.xlsx are the flood ring data for each tree sampled SGBx_secs.kml are coordinate data for the SGB collection



Tree Ring, Paleoclimate, Flood
