Scald resistance in hybrid rye (Secale cereale): Genomic prediction and GWAS
Published: 2 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/sn3bnmvgxz.1
Mette Dam Madsen, , Khalid Mahmood, , Marius Mohlfeld, Jihad Orabi, Pernille Sarup, Ahmed Jahoor, , , Description
The data was produced by Nordic Seed A/S and Aarhus University as part of the HYBRIMAX project. The data includes phenotypic records of scald susceptibility from 251 hybrid rye varieties produced by Nordic Seed A/S and tested in two years and three locations within year. Two locations were maintained by Nordic Seed A/S and one location by Aarhus University. The data also includes genotypes of the crossing parent of the tested hybrids. IDs and markers have been anonymized.
Aarhus Universitet
Genomics, Genome Wide Association Study, Plant Breeding, Plant Disease Resistance
Ministeriet for Fø devarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri