Covid-19 Employee Productivity in India
The dataset for this article was collected during the period April to June,2020 in India to ascertain the factors affecting the employee productivity of the employees working from home during lockdown due to Covid-19, from employees working in both private and public sector organizations across different industries. Based on the inputs from literature survey, a questionnaire was designed to measure the employee productivity of the employees working from home during the pandemic Covid-19. A well-constructed questionnaire was uploaded in the online survey platform and the link to the survey was also distributed using organizational email lists. The collected data was cleaned by removing the invalid, straight-lined responses and mean substitution method was used to replace the missing values resulting in 646 valid responses considered for this study. The dataset has twenty-three items that measure the employee productivity on seven point Likert scale (strongly agree-1 to strongly disagree-7) besides questions related to the demographic profile of the respondents. Items involved in the study were relevant to the factors Upskilling, Interpersonal Relationship, Time availability, Uncertainty and Employee Productivity. Based on the theoretical framework of 'Worker Productivity Model' ,Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to assess the proposed measurement model and structural equation model (SEM) was used to test the hypothesis about the structural relationship among the latent constructs.