Code for the stochastic analysis of springpot forced by α-stable white noise processes
Published: 21 November 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/spr695ggvp.1
Gioacchino AlottaDescription
This is Matlab files to perform stochastic analysis of a springpot forced by α-stable white noise process. The code evaluates the solution with Montecarlo simulation, with the discrete approach (Eq. 34) of the paper "Analytical response and Markovianity of systems governed by fractional differential equations driven by α-stable white noise processes" and with the analytical solution found in the above mentioned paper in Eq. (44). The code also evaluates the Mean Absolute Percentage Error between the discrete approach in Eq. (34) of the above mentioned paper and the analytical solution in Eq. (44).
Universita degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
Numerical Analysis of Dynamical Systems