Data for: Virulence properties and sensitivity profile of Candida parapsilosis complex species and Kodamaea ohmeri isolates from onychomycosis of HIV/AIDS patients
This study investigated the in vitro adhesion and biofilm formation capacity of Candida parapsilosis and Kodamaea ohmeri isolates from onychomycoses of HIV/AIDS patients and also established the antifungal sensitivity profiles of these isolates. Onychomycosis in HIV/AIDS patients showed a high prevalence of emerging yeasts, among which C. parapsilosis complex species and K. ohmeri were the most frequent. Three C. parapsilosis sensu stricto isolates and two C. orthopsilosis isolates were resistant to amphotericin B and 83% were resistant to terbinafine. All isolates adhered to stainless steel and siliconized latex surfaces, and carbohydrates intensified adhesion of all isolates. Isolates adhered to keratinous nail and 50% formed biofilms with strong intensity. In multispecies or polymicrobial biofilms, C. albicans and Staphylococcus aureus regulated the formation of biofilms, decreasing the number of non-albicans species and of Candida spp. cells, respectively. Nonetheless, the presence of C. parapsilosis sensu stricto or K. ohmeri in mixed biofilms increased the number of viable C. albicans cells. The isolation of emerging yeast species from onychomycosis with high adhesion capacity to medical devices, with many being good biofilm producers, is a result that should be considered relevant in clinical practice. In addition, half of the isolates resistant to at least one of the tested antifungals or were susceptible in a dose-dependent manner, which corroborates the infectious capacity and viability of these isolates.