KeyNet: An Open Source Dataset of Key Bittings
Published: 20 March 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/spth99fm4c.1
, , Description
This repository introduces a dataset of obverse and reverse images of 319 unique Schlage SC1 keys, labeled with each key's bitting code. We make our data accessible in an HDF5 format, through arrays aligned where the Nth index of each array represents the Nth key, with keys sorted ascending by bitting code: /bittings: Each keys 1-9 bitting code, recorded from shoulder through the tip of the key, uint8 of shape (319, 5). /obverse: Obverse image of each key, uint8 of shape (319, 512, 512, 3). /reverse: Reverse image of each key, uint8 of shape (319, 512, 512, 3). Full dataset details available on GitHub
Stanford University
Image Database