Brazilian disaster datasets and real-world instances for optimization and machine learning

Published: 17 January 2022| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/spzgprdjgj.3
Rafaela Veloso,


This dataset was consolidated and summarized from a series of open reports obtained in different websites of the government and other institutions. The data presented here were partially used to build real-world instances for the optimization problem of location-allocation of relief-aid items under socioeconomic concerns, in the context of Humanitarian Logistics. Particularly, the given dataset has been extended beyond disasters to include other information such as costs, distances and socioeconomic indicators.


Steps to reproduce

The source of data is provided in the Metadata.xlsx.


Stochastic Optimization, Machine Learning, Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Management, Disaster Planning, Emergency Response, Humanitarian Operations
