Dataset for "Impulse excitation technique data set collected on different materials for data analysis methods and quality control procedures development"

Published: 17 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/srfp7x6wxm.1
Nazareno Massara,
, Mattia Lopresti


In this open database, Impulse Excitation Technique data are collected for qualitative analysis purposes. By expanding the database, automated systems for materials recognition can be developed or improved. Instructions for contribution: - All data are reported in three versions: original audio file, transcribed audio file (text data) and fourier-transformed data. - Each sample or set of samples has to be described in a proper Data Article in order to provide each useful information (composition, dimensions, weight...) that can be used for automated recognition.


Steps to reproduce

Instructions for building the instrument can be found in the Hardware X article titled "IETeasy: an open source and low-cost instrument for impulse excitation technique, applied to materials characterization". Instructions for data collection can be found in the Data in Brief data article titled "Impulse excitation technique data set collected on different materials for data analysis methods and quality control procedures development".


Universita degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro


Engineering, Materials Science, Sound Computing, Materials Characterization
