Data-to-Music UES Surveys by the D2M Research Team at TAUCHI (Tampere University)

Published: 24 July 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/srp4rhjkmy.2
Jonathan Middleton


Data-to-Music User Engagement Surveys (UES). Three surveys presented in a single musical context: 1) Melody, 2) Chords, 3) Rhythm. There are three Conditions: a) pure tones, b) tones with timbre, and c) tones with timbre and rhythm. 24 participants per survey (N=72). IRB exemption provided by Eastern Washington University (human subjects protocol HS-5429 on December 1, 2017). Survey statements questionnaire based on User Engagement Survey developed by O'Brien and Toms (2008&2010), with a 5 step Likert scale. Hypothesis: Engagement levels are elevated from data sonifications (for auditory display) with musical characteristics.


Steps to reproduce

The study was designed with two primary tasks: 1) listening tasks (with sonifications designed by D2M) to give users time and space to experience the sounds, and 2) responding to questionnaire represented by 31 survey statements (adopted from the O’Brien and Toms study from 2008). There are six factors of engagement referenced in the survey: focused attention, perceived usability, aesthetics, endurability, novelty, and felt involved.


Tampereen yliopisto, Eastern Washington University


Music, Data Science, Computer in Human Behavior, Auditory Perception



