Work Design - Morgeson - and Wellbeing at work - Teleworkers

Published: 31 August 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/srwxkrr7vm.1
, Amalia Raquel Pérez-Nebra


This data contains Work design full Morgeson and Humphrey (2006) scale and Wellbeing at work scale in Brazil teleworkers context 2020-2021 (references below). Morgeson, F. P., & Humphrey, S. E. (2006). The Work Design Questionnaire (WDQ): Developing and validating a comprehensive measure for assessing job design and the nature of work. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(6), 1321–1339. Siqueira, M. M. M., Orengo, V., & Peiró, J. M. (2014). Bem-estar no trabalho. In M. M. M. Siqueira (Ed.), Novas medidas do comportamento organizacional: Ferramentas de diagnóstico e gestão (pp. 39–51). Artmed.


Steps to reproduce

We collect this data using sites related to working from home types of work and forums related to this topic in Brazil. The research was conducted in Covid-19 pandemia in Brazil and some workers had previous experience of working from home and others did not.


Universidade de Sao Paulo


Human Resource
