Data and Stata code for: A model of the dynamics of household vegetarian and vegan rates in the U.K.

Published: 29 May 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ssybxbscxb.1
James Waters


This data and code accompanies the paper "A model of the dynamics of household vegetarian and vegan rates in the U.K.". The data is a panel of rates of vegetarian and vegan dietary consumption among U.K. households, together with control variables. The code is a Stata do file. The data is aggregated and processed, as described in the paper, from original primary data: 1) the Family Expenditure Survey from January 1992 to March 2000, 2) the Expenditure and Food Survey from April 2001 to December 2007, 3) the Living Costs and Food module of the Integrated Household Survey from January 2008 to December 2014. The surveys were designed and run by the UK Government’s Office of National Statistics and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and their predecessor bodies. The primary data was provided by the U.K. Data Archive. You are welcome to re-use the data. If it is used in published form, please acknowledge appropriately, including the primary sources. If you are going to use the data for commercial purposes, please check the primary source for permissions.



Economics, Vegetarianism, Animal Rights
