Survey data of additive manufacturing enterprises in South Africa

Published: 7 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/stm7p75298.1
Michelle Mc Clelland,


This dataset comprises survey data from South African additive manufacturing (AM) enterprises, representing approximately 80% of the industry. The survey was designed using innovation indicators from the technology innovation system (TIS) framework to explore the dynamics within South African AM enterprises. The survey's comprehensiveness and relevance were validated by six TIS experts and two AM industry specialists. A statistician reviewed the data collection process to ensure it was suitable for robust statistical analysis. Managers of South African AM enterprises were invited to complete the survey online, and the responses were systematically collected and stored. This dataset is a valuable resource for AM researchers and practitioners, facilitating market gap analysis concerning current materials and services and offering insights for future AM applications.


Steps to reproduce

Step 1: Development and validation of the functional indicator framework Purpose: • Derive functional indicator framework from TIS literature. • Validate framework comprehensiveness. Method: • Rabionet's [1] semi-structured interview process. • Bryman et al.’s [2] quantitative content analysis process Sample: • Six TIS expert reviewers Step 2: Development and validation of the survey instrument Purpose: • Deriving survey questions from the framework • Validate the survey questions’ comprehensiveness, audience suitability and the statistical analysis that may be applied. • Validating enterprise sample size Method: • Rabionet's [1] semi-structured interview process. • Bryman et al.’s [2] quantitative content analysis process Sample: • Six TIS experts • Two AM industry experts • A statistician Step 3: Analysis of the survey results Purpose: • Analyze survey results from the enterprises. • Validate statistical analysis done on the survey results and the interpretation of the obtained results. Method: • Reflective and Formative measurement models • Demographic analysis • Variance analysis • Regression analysis • Rabionet's [1] semi-structured interview process Sample: • 40 AM enterprises • A statistician


Stellenbosch University


Innovation, Manufacturing
