The impaired wound healing process is a major factor in remodeling of the corneal epithelium in adult and adolescent patients with keratoconus
This is the Supporting Dataset for the manuscript 'The impaired wound healing process is a major factor in remodeling of the corneal epithelium in adult and adolescent patients with keratoconus' by Jaskiewicz et al. in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IOVS). Mendeley Supplementary Table 1. RNAseq study results. (a) Results of the DEG analysis for all CE regions of KTCN regarding comparisons with adequate CE regions of controls. The table shows only statistically significant data, in the first column the analyzed subgroups and regions are indicated. (b) Results of the DEG analysis between all CE regions within a particular study subgroup. The table shows only statistically significant data, in the first column the analyzed subgroups and regions are indicated. (c) Results of the DEG analysis for all CE regions between KTCN adults and KTCN adolescents. The table shows only statistically significant data, in the first column the analyzed subgroups and regions are indicated.