Hierarchical Hub Facility Location Problem Large Data Set
In this dataset we deliver nine different benchmark datasets considering 100, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 900, 1000 and 2000 zones in the city of Kolkata and Mumbai. All benchmarks have cost and weight derived from the buildings in the concerned area of both the cities. Both shapefiles, which may be opened in GIS tool, and editable csv text files are available for all benchmarks in this website. The arrangement and content of csv files and shapefiles are discussed below. The above mentioned website contains a file LargeDatSetHHLP.zip. Four folders are produced when the file LargeDatSetHHLP.zip is unzipped: (a) Folder BuildingShape contains two folders KolkataBuildingShape and MumbaiBuildingShape. They store the shapefile and its associated files storing the information about all buildings in Kolkata and Mumbai respectively. (b) Folder WeightMatrix contains two sub folders WeightMatrixKolkata and WeigthMatrixMumbai. WeightMatrixKolkata folder contains nine csv files storing the weight associated with all nodes after segregation of the Kolkata city among 100, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 900, 1000, 2000 zones. Every csv file contains a two dimensional matrix storing the weight/number of demand nodes served by each pair of nodes/centroids. Similarly WeigthMatrixMumbai folder stores nine csv files containing weight for nine different zones of Mumbai city. (c) Folder CostMatrix contains two sub folders CostMatrixKolkata and CostMatrixMumbai. CostMatrixKolkata folder contains nine csv files storing the cost associated with all nodes after segregation of the Kolkata city among 100, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 900, 1000, 2000 zones. Every csv file contains a two-dimensional matrix containing the cost/ distance between each pair of nodes/centroids. Similarly CostMatrixMumbai folder stores nine csv files containing cost for nine different zones of Mumbai city. (d) Folder Results contains exact solution for 100, 300, 400, 500, and 1000 zones with different combination of central hub, hub count as well as for different dH and dC combination for both the cities.