Data for: Water-in-olivine magma ascent chronometry: Every olivine is a clock
Supplementary Data Tables accompanying the article "Water-in-olivine magma ascent chronometry: Every crystal is a clock"; submitted to Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. Authors: Megan E. Newcombe, Terry Plank, Anna Barth, Paul Asimow, Erik Hauri The following spreadsheets contain supplementary calculations and raw data. CONTENTS 1. Results tables: Table S1 (embayments fitting results); Table S2 (H-in-olivine fitting results); Table S3 (SIMS calibration coefficients); Table S4 (Measurements of olivine-melt partition coefficients). 2. Seguam embayments data 3. Raw and corrected electron microprobe data measured on olivines from the 1977 eruption of Seguam. Data are corrected based on analyses of San Carlos olivine as a secondary standard. 4. Raw and corrected electron microprobe data measured on olivines from the 1977 eruption of Seguam, the 1974 eruption of Fuego, and the 1959 eruption of Kilauea Iki. Data are corrected based on analyses of San Carlos olivine as a secondary standard. 5. Electron microprobe data measurements of San Carlos olivine, and correction factors used to correct the electron microprobe data in sheets 1 and 2. 6. Calibration data and calibration curves for secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) data collected in June 2016. 7. Calibration data and calibration curves for secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) data collected in March 2017, first half of session. 8. Calibration data and calibration curves for secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) data collected in March 2017, second half of session (following E-gun filament failure). 9. Assessment of SIMS blank, calculated using replicate analyses of "suprasil" silica glass containing <1 ppm H2O (all sessions). 10. Assessment of drift in SIMS measurements of H2O over the course of each session via replicate analyses of "herasil" silica glass. 11. 6f-SIMS data collected during June 2016 session 12. 6f-SIMS data collected during part I of March 2017 session 13. 6f-SIMS data collected during part II of March 2017 session (following E-gun filament failure) Sheets 14 onwards contain images and data for each individual olivine phenocryst.