Measuring Virtual Embodiment: A Psychometric Investigation of a Standardised Questionnaire for the Psychological Sciences

Published: 1 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/svbbn3nrmk.1


De-identified data files (.sav, .xlsx) for Measuring Virtual Embodiment: A Psychometric Investigation of a Standardised Questionnaire for the Psychological Sciences Proprioceptive Acuity Test scores were processed for analyses using Python. All analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS Statistics Version 27. The .sav dataset represents participant response values for the outcomes evaluated in the paper. These are virtual embodiment (EQ), kinaesthetic sense (KVIQ), context-specific/state agency (SOARS), global/trait agency (SOAS), body connection (SBC), and responses to the Rubber Hand Illusion Questionnaire (RHIQ). All potentially identifying descriptives (e.g., gender, ethnicity) have been removed from the dataset. *To download the .sav file, you may need to manually enter the file extension ".sav" when saving the file to your desktop* The .xlsx dataset represents participant performance values for the Proprioceptive Acuity Test (PAT) undertaken in-vivo (IV) and in virtual reality (VR). Additional naming conventions for this file are as follows: IL = ipsilateral CL = contralateral R = right arm L = left arm Numeric values (30, 60, 90, 120, 150) indicate the trial's target location



Macquarie University


Psychology, Social Cognition, Evaluation of Psychometric Characteristics
