Dataset: Historical liquefaction occurrences in the Philippines

Published: 13 February 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/svy6py3ddb.1
Daniel Jose Buhay,


This database contains historical liquefaction accounts of the Philippines. It includes undated liquefaction records from paleoliquefaction studies, historical liquefaction from 1619 to 2020 and liquefaction related to volcanic eruptions. These were collated and analyzed from various primary and secondary sources. For earthquake-induced liquefaction, the historical liquefaction accounts were attributed to the earthquake event that caused them, as well as the identified earthquake generator. For liquefaction caused by volcanic eruptions, the accounts were also attributed to the active volcanoes that erupted and caused liquefaction. The liquefaction accounts are also parameterized based on the area where they occurred, the geomorphic unit that liquefied, liquefaction features described, and their probability of occurrence. All primary and secondary sources where the liquefaction information were derived are also listed on a separate document for reference of other users.



Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology


Seismology, Liquefaction, Earthquake Hazard, Philippines


Department of Science and Technology
