Application of R. Amthauer's test of verbal intelligence structure in the system of speech thinking diagnostics
To study the indicators of speech thinking can be used a method, the initial version of which is a test of the structure of intelligence R. Amthauer, developed for younger students EF Zambatsyavichene and modified by LI Peresleni, LF Chuprov. The technique combines different types of verbal tasks and allows you to get an idea of the levels of development of verbal-logical thinking. It consists of four subtests with different orientations. And the subtest is the detection of awareness. The task of the subject is to end the sentence with one of the given words, making a logical choice based on inductive thinking, the available stock of knowledge and ideas. II subtest - the formation of logical action (classification), the ability to abstract. Qualitative analysis of the results of the tasks provides an opportunity to determine whether the child can be distracted from random and secondary signs, from the usual relationships between objects, about his ability to use such a mental tool as classification. III subtest - the formation of a logical action "inference by analogy". To perform the tasks of this subtest, the subject must be able to establish logical connections and relationships between subjects. 1V subtest - the formation of generalizing concepts, bringing two concepts under a common category. When performing the tasks of the first subtest (for example: "The boot always has a lace, buckle, sole, straps, buttons"), the child is asked the question: "Which of the five words fits the given part of the sentence?". If the answer is correct, the question "Why not a shoelace?" (The question is asked in order to clarify the understanding of the meaning of the word "always", which is important for other tasks). After the correct answer the decision is estimated in 1 point. If the answer is wrong, the child is asked to think and give another, correct answer (stimulating help). 0.5 points are awarded for the correct answer after the second attempt If the answer is incorrect again - 0 points. At the decision of the following tests and the subtest clarifying questions are not asked. After reading the first task of the second subtest ("Tulip, lily, bean, chamomile, violet"), the child is told that one word out of five is superfluous, it should be deleted, and asked: "Which word should be deleted?". If the answer is correct, the question "Why?". With the correct explanation - a score of 1 point, with a false - 0.5 points. If the answer is incorrect, help is provided similar to that described above. For the correct answer after the second attempt - 0.5 points are awarded. After presenting the first sample of the third subtest, the child is asked to choose one of the five words written under the dash, which would fit the word "Carnation" as well as the word "vegetable" to the word "cucumber". For the correct answer - 1 point, for the answer after the second attempt - 0.5 points, if the task is not completed - 0 points.