Assessing cost-optimality of urban residential nZEB under the new Spanish Technical Building Code, Energy & Buildings, 2023. - ASSOCIATED RESEARCH DATA
This data set presents the results of 830 different scenarios for a new building, considering 5 different climate zones in Spain (Almería, Valencia, Bilbao, Madrid and Burgos), different building envelopes and different combinations of energy systems for DHW, heating (Biomass boilers, Ground Heat Pumps, Air Heat Pumps...) and RES (PV and solar thermal). Investment, EUAC (Equivalent Uniform Annual Cost), Total Primary Energy consumption and Non Renewable Primary Energy consumption values for each scenario are presented in the csv file. Moreover, a txt with the metadata is added. The detailed deffinition of the metodology is presented in the paper: "Cost-effectiveness and minimum requirements of nZEB for residential buildings under the new Spanish Technical Building Code" published in "Energy & Buildings" in 2023 (