MAMA : MAternal Mood Assessment survey for healthcare professionals

Published: 27 November 2023| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/sx23zmtcxv.4
, Alfredo Vannacci


The Maternal Mood Assessment (MAMA) is a thorough evaluation tool aimed at healthcare professionals for measuring their know-how, attitudes, and experiences about perinatal depression. The survey is broken down into different sections, each zeroing in on a specific aspect of the topic. The first part gathers basic info like age, gender, and career credentials of the healthcare workers, along with where and how long they've been practicing. Section two focuses on training and hands-on experience dealing with perinatal depression. This covers whether their workplace has a set care path for such cases, if they've had specialized training, and how often they've seen diagnosed mothers. The third section is about understanding and attitudes toward perinatal depression. It asks about definitions, perceived prevalence, risk factors, and best practices for a good relationship with affected mothers. The fourth section gets into the healthcare pros' own experiences and feelings when handling these cases. Questions look at their initial reactions, interactions with the family, and thoughts on effective support methods. The final part asks for opinions on various management aspects, like breastfeeding, dad's role, involvement of different healthcare roles, and the need for guidelines. Overall, the MAMA survey offers valuable insights into healthcare professionals' views and experiences, useful for shaping interventions and training.


Steps to reproduce

MAMA raw data are shared under CC BY NC 3.0. You are free to use data for scientific research, providing you attribute appropriately and do not use the material for commercial purposes. Any scientific publication derived from the use of these data must cite this dataset, and must be shared and discussed before submission with the members of MAMA steering committee, Claudia Ravaldi and Alfredo Vannacci (PeaRL Perinatal Research Laboratory, University of Florence and CiaoLapo Foundation for Perinatal Health) who must be included as co-authors in all publications using data derived from MAMA survey.


Universita degli Studi di Firenze


Mental Health, Midwifery Education, Depression of Woman
