Data for: Evaluation of the integrated riparian ecosystem response to future flow regimes on semiarid rivers
Published: 10 July 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/sxf8429w9g.1
Rebecca DiehlDescription
This dataset includes: 1) Description of 81 scenarios that were used to represent a continuum of potential changes in the hydrologic regime away from the baseline condition. 2) Synthetic flow duration curves for the 81 scenarios. There are tabs for both the Green River (USGS gage at Jensen Utah) and Yampa River (at Deerlodge Park). 3) The predicted change in plant presence and cover away from the baseline condition for each of the scenarios. 4) Flow duration curves for the three projected flow scenarios for the Yampa River along with the annual peak discharge data used to quantify the 2-yr, 3-yr, and 20-yr recurrence interval floods.
Fluvial Geomorphology, Hydrologic Change, Riparian Vegetation