Longitudinal Quasi-Experimental Assessment Data: Kazakhstan

Published: 17 October 2023| Version 6 | DOI: 10.17632/sxpdsszps8.6
Matthew Courtney


The data in this paper pertain to those analyzed as part of a pilot monitoring study as described by Courtney et al. [1]. While the study reported on the results for three languages, the paper at hand references the results for just one study involving the Kazakh medium-of-instruction. The first variable in that data includes is (Excel column A) ‘Student_id’, which provides a unique anonymized student ID number for each student. The next six variables in the data vary between-schools: (B) ‘experiment’, for which each school is defined as either a pilot (experiment) or control school; (C) ‘Region’, defining the region that each school is situated in the country; (D) School_name, the name assigned to each unique school; (E) ‘Language’ defining the medium-of-instruction used in each school (Kazakh or Russian); (F) ‘School_type’ where schools are defined as either (i) small, (ii) gymnasium, (iii) lyceum, or (iv) common (common used as baseline in modelling, see R code for recodes into numeric). (G) School location follows with schools defined as either (i) city or (ii) rural. Thereafter, the within-school variable, (H) ‘Gender’ is given for which each child is defined as either male or female. In addition, columns I to CN pertain to the item-response data for the project (for all elements, 0 = incorrect, 1 = correct) for each child on each item in the five tests. 2015 Test: Items OG1 to OG5.4 (columns I-S; link items for 2015 are OG2.2A, OG2.3A, OG3A; link items for 2016 are OG2.2B, OG2.3B, OG3B, columns T, U, and W). 2016 Test: Items OG2.2 to OG11.2 (columns T-AI; link items for 2016 are OG11.1A and OG11.2A; link items for 2017 are OG11.1B and OG11.2B, columns AJ and AK). 2017 Test: Items OG11.1 to K3.6 (columns AJ-AU; link items for 2017 are K3.3A and K3.6A; link items for 2018 are K3.3B and K3.6B, columns BP and BO). 2018 Test: Items K4.1 to K3.3 (AV-BP; link items for 2018 are K10.2A and K13.4A; link item for 2019 are K10.2B and K13.4B, columns BU and CC). 2019 Test: Items X19K1 to K6 (BQ-CN). References: [1] Courtney, M. G. R., Rakhymbayeva, Z., Shilibekova, A., Ziyedenova, D., Soltangazina, S., Muratkyzy, A., Goodman, B., & Olzhayeva, A. (2022). Kazakh, Russian, and Uyghur child language literacy: The role of updated content of education on longitudinal growth trajectories in Kazakhstan. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 75(101189). doi:10.1016/j.stueduc.2022.101189


Steps to reproduce

Data is part of large-scale curricula evaluation study. See related link below.


Nazarbayev University


Reliability Analysis, Coding in Statistics, Academic Assessment, Multi-Level Structural Equation Modeling, Curriculum Evaluation, Statistical Analysis
