Effect of Mulligan's Bent Leg Raise Technique Versus Self Hamstring Myofascial Release On Non-Specific Low Back Pain And Hamstring Tightness Among Young Adults - A Comparative Study

Published: 9 January 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/sy3xrk2j5g.1
Mukesh Shinde, Pradnya Mahajan


BACKGROUND: Non-specific low back pain is defined as low back pain not owing to a known specific cause / pathology. 90% LBP patients are having Non-specific causes. Low back is very essential in our daily activities like - lifting, carrying, supporting upright posture which is essential for every person out there regardless of the job they are serving. As there is high prevalence of having tight hamstring in patients complaining of low back pain. So, the purpose of study was to investigate the comparative Effect of “Mulligan’s BLR and Self hamstring MFR in young adults with non-specific low back pain”. METHODOLOGY: A comparative study was conducted on 46 elderly subjects. Subjects were selected according to inclusion criteria & exclusion criteria.The pre assessment was taken before intervention & post assessment was taken after intervention by usingNPRS, SLR, QBPDS and AKET. Participants were randomly divided into two groups with n=23 in each group. Group A received Mulligan BLR technique while Group B received Self Hamstring MFR. The treatment was given for 6days. Statistical analysis was carried out using paired & unpaired t test. RESULTS: Mulligan BLR technique & Self Hamstring MFR was effective on improving NPRS, SLR, QBPDS and AKET in young adults. On intergroup comparison using unpaired t test, there was no significant difference between effect of Mulligan BLR technique & Self Hamstring MFR(NPRS p value = 0.706), (QBPDS p value= 0.275), which implies both exercises were equally effective on improving NPRS, SLR, QBPDS and AKET in young adults. CONCLUSION:Mulligan BLR technique & Self Hamstring MFR were equally effective in reducing pain and improving functional disability in young adults having nonspecific low back pain with hamstring tightness.



Muscle, Young Adult, Mulligan Therapy
