Average temperature in an insulated box

Published: 19 April 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/sz5dgkz7k8.1
Tanathep Leungtongkum,
, Alain Denis,


The detailed description of data can be found in Experimental condition.docx The data was categorized by - Measurement position: middle plane and lateral plane - Box configuration: Horizontal and Vertical - Phase Change Material (PCM) position: on a side wall and at the top - Ambient temperature: 10°C, 20°C and 30°C - Product initial temperature: 4°C and 10°C - Space beneath the product: 20 mm and 0 mm For example C01 Temperature Horizontal Side Empty.xlsx: on the middle plane (X = 250 mm) in a horizontal box with PCM at side wall (empty) C02 Temperature Horizontal Top Empty.xlsx: on the middle plane (X = 250 mm) in a horizontal box with PCM at top (empty) C03 Temperature Vertical Side Empty.xlsx: on the middle plane (X = 150 mm) in a vertical with PCM at side wall (empty) C04 Temperature Horizontal Side 20CAmb 4CInitial 20mmGap.xlsx: on the middle plane (X = 250 mm) in a loaded horizontal box with PCM at side wall under 20°C ambient, product initial temperature = 4°C with 20 mm gap below C07 Temperature Horizontal Side 30CAmb 4CInitial 20mmGap.xlsx: on the middle plane (X = 250 mm) in a loaded horizontal box with PCM at side wall under 30°C ambient, product initial temperature = 4°C with 20 mm gap below C10 Temperature Horizontal Side 20CAmb 10CInitial 20mmGap.xlsx: on the middle plane (X = 250 mm) in a loaded horizontal box with PCM at side wall under 20°C ambient, product initial temperature = 10°C with 20 mm gap below C12 Temperature Horizontal Side 20CAmb 4CInitial noGap.xlsx: on the middle plane (X = 250 mm) in a loaded horizontal box with PCM at side wall under 20°C ambient, product initial temperature = 4°C with no gap below


Steps to reproduce

Temperature data was collected by thermocouple type-T, the data was averaged under stable condition. For an empty box - 90 min. to 95 min. after closing the box for the first measurement with 15 s interval - 15 min. to 20 min. after closing the box for following measurement with 15 s interval For a loaded box, - 400 min. to 600 min. after closing the box for the first measurement in an empty box with 30 s interval


Paris-Saclay Food and Bioproduct Engineering Research Unit


Temperature, Cold Chain Food Storage
