Data for: A Probabilistic Model for Distinguishing between Sheep and Goat Postcranial Remains
The R script contains a script for the analyses and visualizations in Wolfhagen and Price (2017). Allows users to reformat the two CSV data files and calculate posterior probabilities that specimens are goats with additional SOM from Wolfhagen and Price (2017). The two .CSV files contain trait states for sheep/goat specimens from the Iron Age size of 'Ain Dara (Syria) and Middle Bronze Age site of Tell Sakhariya (Iraq). Traits are those published in Zeder, M. A., & Lapham, H. A. (2010). Assessing the reliability of criteria used to identify postcranial bones in sheep, Ovis, and goats, Capra. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37(11), 2887-2905, doi:10.1016/j.jas.2010.06.032. Each assemblage was originally analyzed and reported in other reports: 'Ain Dara: analyzed by Carol Frey and Curtis Marean, published in Frey, C. J., & Marean, C. W. (1999). Mammal Remains. In E. C. Stone, & P. E. Zimansky (Eds.), The Iron Age Settlement of 'Ain Dara, Syria: Survey and Surroundings (pp. 123-137, BAR International Series, Vol. 786). Oxford: Archaeopress. ISBN: 1841711039 Tell Sakhariya: analyzed by Katheryn Twiss, published in Twiss, K. C. (in press). Animals of the Sealands: ceremonial activities in the southern Mesopotamian "Dark Age". Iraq. The columns for each site record the following: Record: ID number assigned to the specimen by the original analysts. Site: name of the archaeological site Anatomy: code for the element of each specimen. The following codes are used: ASTR - Astragalus, CALC - Calcaneus, HUM - distal humerus, MP - metapodial, MT - metatarsal, MC - metacarpal, PH1 - first phalanx, PH2 - second phalanx, RADD - distal radius, RADP - proximal radius, TIB - distal tibia. Original ID: original identification made by the original analyst. The following codes are used: Capra - Capra hircus, Ovis - Ovis aries, O/C - indeterminate Ovis aries/Capra hircus, Bovid/Cervid - indeterminate bovid or cervid. C1, C2, C3, C4: trait states for specimen, based on the traits in Zeder and Lapham (2010) for different elements. The following codes are used: CAPRA - Capra hircus morphology, OVIS - Ovis aries morphology, O/C or C/O: indeterminate morphology between the two states, <NA> - insufficiently preserved to determine morphological state.