Data For: Olfactory Response as a Marker for Alzheimer’s Disease: Evidence from Perception and Frontal Oscillation Coherence Deficit

Published: 23 February 2020| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/sz99pwtg59.3
, Hamid Aghajan,
, Heliya Tarighatnia


The data were originally collected for the paper "Olfactory Response as a Marker for Alzheimer’s Disease: Evidence from Perception and Frontal Oscillation Coherence Deficit" in Ziaeian Hospital, Tehran, Iran. The study was conducted on mild AD and normal participants. This data includes EEG from 4 channels (Fp1-Fz-Cz-Pz) with A1 earlobe as reference. The sampling frequency is 200 Hz. It contains EEG segments during olfaction of two odors (Lemon and Rosewater). Each segment contains 1 second before and 2 seconds after the stimulus onset. Segments corresponding to Lemon odor are indicated by 0 and Rosewater segments are denoted by 1 in a vector inside the dataset. In addition, noisy epoch numbers are included in the dataset. The order of the channels in the dataset is as follows: Fp1 - Fz - Cz - Pz. The data is preprocessed and eye-blink artifact was removed using FastICA algorithm. Data on Iran-SIT score as well as participants' MMSE scores can be found in .xlsx file. If you used this data and found it helpful, please cite our paper.



Alzheimer's Disease, Electroencephalography, Olfaction
