Data for: The time-dependent pickup and delivery problem with time windows
This dataset contains 32 instances of the time dependent pick up and delivery problem with 10 to 45 customer request (20 to 90 nodes). the first row is number of vehicles the second row is vehicle's capacity the third row is planning time horizon [Depot] idx; x-coordinate; y-coordinate; 0; 0; [Pickup] idx; x-coordinate; y-coordinate; 0; load; profit; earliest time window; latest time window. [Delivery] [Pickup] idx; x-coordinate; y-coordinate; 0; load; 20; earliest time window; latest time window. [Speed 0] [Speed 1] [Speed 2] [Speed 3] [Speed 4] Five different speed profile; [speed choose matrix] For each links, it has a speed profile. For instances, the link (0,4) is assigned with speed profile 1, which is given by [Speed 1].