All data files are related to the study De Groeve, B, Bleys, B., & Hudders, L. (2019). Okay to promote eating less meat, but don’t be a cheat – The role of dietary identity, perceived inconsistency and inclusive language of an advocate in legitimizing meat reduction. Appetite, x, x-x. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2019.03.031
Steps to reproduce
All main analysis were conducted using IBM SPSS Statistics 25 for Windows using SPSS macro PROCESS version 3.0. To reproduce the models: 1. Open "Data_LessMeatDontCheat.csv" in SPSS. Check "Overview_of_main_study_variables.csv" for more information about the variables used in the models. (Check "Overview_of_all_measured_variables.csv" for more information about all the measured variables.) 2. Go to "Analyze > Regression > PROCESS v3.0 by Hayes" and run a random model to allow to use syntax. 3. Open Syntax ("File > New > Syntax"). 4. Go to "AnalysisScipt_LessMeatDontCheat.odt", copy the syntax codes of interest in syntax, and run the models.