Exploring Gender Differences in Multitasking: A Conceptual Analysis

Published: 22 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/t2zyv8vmd4.1
Sunil Maria Benedict


Data Simulation We simulate performance data for both women and men across three aspects of multitasking: Task Switching Speed: The speed at which individuals can switch between tasks. Attention Allocation: The efficiency in distributing attention across multiple tasks. Task Completion Time: The time taken to complete tasks. For each aspect, performance data for women and men are generated using normal distributions with specified means and standard deviations: Task Switching Speed: Women (mean = 0.8, std dev = 0.1), Men (mean = 0.6, std dev = 0.1) Attention Allocation: Women (mean = 0.8, std dev = 0.1), Men (mean = 0.6, std dev = 0.1) Task Completion Time: Women (mean = 10, std dev = 2), Men (mean = 12, std dev = 2) Summary Statistics Summary statistics for each aspect are calculated to provide insights into the central tendencies and variability of performance for both genders. These include the mean, median, and standard deviation. Task Switching Speed: Women: Mean = 0.808, Median = 0.822, Std Dev = 0.097 Men: Mean = 0.600, Median = 0.593, Std Dev = 0.100 Attention Allocation: Women: Mean = 0.823, Median = 0.814, Std Dev = 0.101 Men: Mean = 0.607, Median = 0.613, Std Dev = 0.103 Task Completion Time: Women: Mean = 10.135, Median = 10.153, Std Dev = 2.129 Men: Mean = 11.687, Median = 11.500, Std Dev = 1.806 These statistics are used to compare the performance of women and men, highlighting differences in their multitasking abilities. Hypothesis Testing To determine if the observed differences in performance are statistically significant, t-tests are conducted for each aspect. The p-values obtained from these tests indicate the significance of the differences: Task Switching Speed: p-value = 1.294e-17 Attention Allocation: p-value = 1.249e-17 Task Completion Time: p-value = 0.000183 A p-value less than 0.05 suggests that the differences are statistically significant, meaning that the observed performance differences between women and men are unlikely due to random chance. Graphical Representations Histograms are created for each aspect to visualize the distribution of performance scores for women and men. These graphs provide a clear and intuitive understanding of the differences in multitasking performance.


Steps to reproduce

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.stats import ttest_ind # Define aspects of multitasking aspects = ['Task Switching Speed', 'Attention Allocation', 'Task Completion Time'] # Simulated data for women and men women_data = { 'Task Switching Speed': np.random.normal(0.8, 0.1, 50), 'Attention Allocation': np.random.normal(0.8, 0.1, 50), 'Task Completion Time': np.random.normal(10, 2, 50) } men_data = { 'Task Switching Speed': np.random.normal(0.6, 0.1, 50), 'Attention Allocation': np.random.normal(0.6, 0.1, 50), 'Task Completion Time': np.random.normal(12, 2, 50) } # Compute summary statistics for each aspect summary_statistics = {} p_values = {} for aspect in aspects: women_mean = np.mean(women_data[aspect]) men_mean = np.mean(men_data[aspect]) women_median = np.median(women_data[aspect]) men_median = np.median(men_data[aspect]) women_std = np.std(women_data[aspect]) men_std = np.std(men_data[aspect]) summary_statistics[aspect] = { 'Women Mean': women_mean, 'Men Mean': men_mean, 'Women Median': women_median, 'Men Median': men_median, 'Women Standard Deviation': women_std, 'Men Standard Deviation': men_std } # Perform hypothesis testing (t-test) t_stat, p_value = ttest_ind(women_data[aspect], men_data[aspect]) p_values[aspect] = p_value # Print summary statistics and hypothesis testing results for aspect, stats in summary_statistics.items(): print(f"Aspect: {aspect}") print(f"Women Mean: {stats['Women Mean']}, Men Mean: {stats['Men Mean']}") print(f"Women Median: {stats['Women Median']}, Men Median: {stats['Men Median']}") print(f"Women Standard Deviation: {stats['Women Standard Deviation']}, Men Standard Deviation: {stats['Men Standard Deviation']}") print(f"p-value: {p_values[aspect]}") print("") # Generate histograms for each aspect for aspect in aspects: plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.hist(women_data[aspect], bins=20, alpha=0.5, color='red', label='Women') plt.hist(men_data[aspect], bins=20, alpha=0.5, color='blue', label='Men') plt.title(f'{aspect} Comparison between Women and Men') plt.xlabel('Performance') plt.ylabel('Frequency') plt.legend() plt.grid(True) plt.show()




Psychology, Gender Studies, Women's Studies, Career Development of Women
