Data for: Large and interactive pipefish females display ornaments for longer with many males around
Data for: Large and interactive pipefish females display ornaments for longer with many males around This repository contains the datasets relating to: Anna Waffender, Jonathan M. Henshaw, Ingrid Ahnesjö, Charlotta Kvarnemo 'Large and interactive pipefish females display ornaments for longer with many males around' Datasets are organized into CSV. The dataset 'individualData_S.typhle' contains the behavioural data of each female (column from left to right): Replicate identification; treatment (F: female biased ASR, M: male biased ASR); the duration of female B-sign display (s); the number of interactions between the female with other females; the number of interactions between the female with other males; the number of success copulations. The dataset ' replicateData_S.typhle' contains the behavioural data of the individuals averaged over one replicate (column from left to right): Replicate identification; Treatment (F: female biased ASR, M: male biased ASR); the mean duration of female B-sign display (s); the mean number of interactions between the females; the mean number of interactions between the females with other males; the mean number of success copulations; the mean proportion of male pouches filled with eggs; the mean female standard length; the mean male standard length. For further information see the publication.