Islamic Social Funds Dataset to Measure Social Financing as Intervening Variable
These datasets present numeric data of financing from Islamic philanthropy institutions (Baitul Maal) that can be measured to analyze the development of sub-rural communities in Indonesia by employing SEM (Structural Equation Model). The dataset comprises the independent variable (Islamic social funds), intervening variable (financing), and dependent variable (sub-rural development). Numeric data were obtained from interviews with 165 operators of Islamic philanthropy institutions in Indonesia using the Likert Scale and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Path Analysis as well as Regression Analysis. Therefore, hypothesis of every type of Islamic social fund product was also tested to analyze the influence of Islamic philanthropy institutions on sub-rural communities. All data were analyzed using Lisrel software 8.7 version to validate the accuracy of all data. In this regard, a variety of simple tests was conducted like validity, reliability and normality
Steps to reproduce
Primary data was collected from the questionnaire that was circulated to 165 operators of Islamic philanthropy institutions in East Java Indonesia. The likert Scale was adopted to obtain a non-parametric analysis