Athlete and physiotherapists experiences of pain and pain assessment - A Data set of focus group transcripts

Published: 2 January 2024| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/t47tw94mzd.2


This data set comprises 5 focus groups with 16 participants in total. (12 athletes 4 physiotherapists). The focus groups explored athlete pain and pain assessment experiences and priorities for future pain assessment practice. The topic guide used is included at the bottom of the data set file.


Steps to reproduce

Mixed focus groups (Physiotherapists & Athletes were carried out) Participants were recruited from a mix of sports, competition level, backgrounds etc. Participants were offered their preference of face to face and online sessions. A list of ground rules emphasizing equity and respect of all opinions were read prior to all sessions A neutral observer and moderator assisted with the first focus group to ensure equity of participation and to ensure the topic guide was explored fully. The focus group question route/ topic guide is available at the end of the data set.


University College Dublin, University of Limerick


Sports Medicine, Sports Injury, Sport, Pain Assessment, Athletes, Focus Group, Physiotherapist
