Dataset for "Coupling Reservoir Operation and Rainfall-Runoff Processes for Streamflow Simulation in Watersheds"

Published: 16 February 2024| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/t49cyrgtct.4
Anav Vora, Ximing Cai, Yanan Chen, Donghui Li


This dataset includes all code used to run and evaluate the coupled watershed models described in 'Coupling Reservoir Operation and Rainfall-Runoff Processes for Streamflow Simulation in Watersheds.' Prior to model calibration and performance evaluation, the codes in Step_A_DataPreprocessing, and Step_B_CreateReservoirModels are to be run for creating set-up files. Outputs from the codes in both folders are already included in the dataset. Separate readme.txt files inside both folders describe each codes' application. Within the root folder, "Calibrate_Models_Using_NSGA2.R" is run first to obtain optimized/calibrated coupled model parameters; outputs are stored in the folders "Optimized_Paras". Subsequently, the "Generating_Calibration_DWM_and_SWM_Sims.R" and "Generating_Validation_DWM_and_SWM_Sims.R" codes are run to generate calibration and validation period streamflow simulations (both deterministic and stochastic), respectively, using the calibrated parameters. Results of "Generating_Calibration_DWM_and_SWM_Sims.R" are stored in the "Stored_Simulations_And_Pred_Uncertainty_Paras" folder. Results of "Generating_Validation_DWM_and_SWM_Sims.R" are stored in the "Validation_Period_Results/Stored_Simulations_And_Pred_Uncertainty_Paras" folder. The following codes are used to generate the results in the paper: "Plots_Calibration_Period.R" -> Plots boxplots of KGE and LNSE (for reservoir inflow and watershed outflow) for the calibration period; outputs stored in "Boxplot" folder. "Plots_Validation_Period.R" -> Plots boxplots of KGE and LNSE (for reservoir inflow and watershed outflow) for the validation period; outputs stored in "Validation_Period_Results/Boxplot" folder. "Checking_Distributions_Of_Parameters.R" -> Plots probability distribution functions of calibrated watershed model parameters; outputs stored in "Parameter_PDFs" folder. "LMoment_Errors_CalibrationPeriod.R" -> Calculates and plots the errors in estimated L-moments for the calibration period; results written in "LMoment_Errors" folder. "LMoment_Errors_ValidationPeriod.R" -> Calculates and plots the errors in estimated L-moments for the validation period; results written in "Validation_Period_Results/LMoment_Errors" folder. "Plotting_Calib_FDCs_And_Hydrographs_DWM_SWM.R" -> Plots calibration period flow duration curves (FDCs) and hydrographs simulated by the watershed models to "Hydrographs_and_FDCs" folder. "Plotting_Valid_FDCs_And_Hydrographs_DWM_SWM.R" -> Plots validation period FDCs and hydrographs simulated by the watershed models to "Validation_Period_Results/Hydrographs_and_FDCs" folder. Apart from the above codes, all other codes in the root folder are function files.



University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


