Replication - Crozet, Hering and Poncet Looking for the bright side of the China Syndrome: Rising export opportunities and life satisfaction in China

Published: 2 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/t4psgftvkf.1
sandra poncet


This folder contains all do files necessary to replicate the results from the article "Looking for the bright side of the China Syndrome: Rising export opportunities and life satisfaction in China" by Matthieu Crozet, Laura Hering and Sandra Poncet, The World Bank Economic Review, 2023. The archive contains a number of Stata do files necessary for replicating the regression results in the above mentioned article. Do files are in the folder "DofilesWBER". There are two distinct do files that use the various datasets to generate the results tables in the paper and the online appendix.



Ecole d'economie de Paris


International Trade
