Technology readiness higher student in Yogyakarta
The use of technology in the 21st century has become a requirement as a skilled demand that must be mastered by everyone. Coupled with the outbreak of Covid-19 has impacted the world of Education, namely the change of the learning system to online learning. Thus, this data aims to assess students' ability in the technology use sector in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This article contains data collected from 214 students during the pandemic. The data collection tool uses an online questionnaire shared online through the WhatsApp application
Steps to reproduce
The instrument developed and validated by the expert was then tested after distributing the questionnaire. Primary data sources collected from the spread of online questionnaires (Google forms) through the WhatsApp social network are then followed up through Zoom Meeting to clarify the answers filled out to students from September to October 2021. The author spread the cake and collected 214 students according to the sample's predetermined number.