Mid-Holocene high-resolution temperature and precipitation gridded reconstructions over China

Published: 30 May 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/t4x72cdbx8.2
Weizhe Chen


We developed a monthly gridded dataset of temperature and precipitation for MH China. Metadata: Spatial resolution: 0.5 degree Spatial domain: 15-50°N and 70°E-140°E Contains four variables: MH_Pr_half and MH_Ta_half for mid-Holocene monthly precipitation and temperature, respectively; dp_all and dt_all for monthly precipitation and temperature differences between mid-Holocene and pre-industrial period, respectively. This is the supplementary data for the paper "Mid-Holocene high-resolution temperature and precipitation gridded reconstructions over China: Implications for elevation-dependent temperature changes". Please cite this publication in EPSL.


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This is the supplementary data for the paper "Mid-Holocene high-resolution temperature and precipitation gridded reconstructions over China: Implications for elevation-dependent temperature changes". Please cite this publication in EPSL.


China University of Geosciences


China, Climate Data, Holocene
