Data on geotechnical properties of soils and multiple regression analysis
Shear strength is a principal engineering property of soil. It controls the stability of a soil mass under structural loads and is used in design of foundation. In this study, a survey was carried out in and around the Bhauti region of Kanpur district, Uttar Pradesh and accordingly nine sampling locations were identified. All the samples were collected from a depth of 50 cm and analyzed for different geotechnical properties such as bulk density, dry density, natural moisture content, specific gravity, particle size, Atterberg’s limits and shear strength parameters (cohesion and angle of shearing resistance). The data pertaining to these parameters were compiled and analyzed further. Based on particle size distribution curves, the data on coefficient of uniformity and coefficient of curvature were found out. Correlations between index properties of soils and shear strength parameters were established. Multiple linear regression analysis was carried out to find out the influence of index properties on shear strength parameters. To know the most influencing parameters on cohesion and angle of shearing resistance, stepwise linear regression procedure was carried out. Incorporating the selected variables, multiple regression models were developed to predict cohesion and angle of shearing resistance. The performance of these models was assessed in terms of R (coefficient of correlation), F-statistics and residual patterns. The developed models can be used to predict the shear strength parameters for the study area. Bearing capacity of shallow foundations of the study area was also assessed.
Steps to reproduce
Raw soils were analyzed for different geotechnical properties like bulk density, dry density, natural moisture content, specific gravity, particle size, Atterberg’s limits and shear strength parameters (cohesion and angle of shearing resistance). Samples were collected within 5 km radius from PSIT Kanpur.