Data on Awareness, Knowledge, and Applications of GIS & Remote Sensing
This is a survey data on 164 professionals that includes university faculty, senior administrative, technical, and managerial staff of an institution f higher learning. The question is to what extent do these professionals know about and used GIS/RS in their routine and research work? The hypotheses are (1) those who were aware and know GIS/RS were more likely to use the tool and this varies by background factors, (2) respondents who know about the tools were more likely to use them. Variables examined include background factors (including residence, age, marital status), education, and years of work experience. Other key variables examined were awareness, knowledge, attitudes and application and the tools. Findings showed that awareness about GIS/RS was significantly related to residence, age, marital status, education, type of carrier or profession. Knowledge was significantly associated with sources heard about GIS/RS. Also, obstacles to use was significantly related to residence, age, type of carrier or profession, and sources heard about GIS/RS. Finding of this data will be useful in driving increased knowledge and use of GIS/RS for planning and research all over the world.